What is the Average Cost of a Six-Bedroom Flat in London?

Find out what is the average cost of renting a six-bedroom flat in London and what factors should be taken into consideration before making a decision.

What is the Average Cost of a Six-Bedroom Flat in London?

Strathmore Court, 143 Park Road, London NW8 is one of the most expensive places to rent in the United Kingdom, with an average rental cost of 23,560 pounds per month for all properties. This is more than double the average price of properties in the rest of the country, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Property Registry. As a result, many Londoners are leaving the capital in search of more affordable housing options. For those who still want to live in a big city, there are plenty of alternatives available.

From a three-bedroom apartment on a Georgian terrace with private garden in Edinburgh, to a modern two-bedroom apartment in central Manchester or a five-bedroom family home in Nottingham, there are plenty of options for those looking for more space and better value for money than urban villas. The average electricity consumption of a six-bedroom flat is about 5400 kWh, which would be equivalent to an annual bill of about 907.74 pounds per year, or 75.65 pounds per month. If you pay a fixed fee, you can also expect to pay between 225 and 270 pounds per year. When it comes to renting a six-bedroom flat in London, it's important to consider all factors before making a decision.

The cost of living in London is high and it's important to factor in all costs associated with renting such as electricity bills and other utilities. Additionally, it's important to research the area and make sure that it's suitable for your needs before signing any contracts.

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